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Documents - Newton Township Minute Book - 1723-1782 |
This very large excerpt of the Newton Township Minute Book was transcribed by Kathy Tassini. She worked from a copy obtained from the late Dave Munn who had received it from the collection of Bill Mihm. To the best of my knowledge, this the first and only substantial transcript of this document available. Persons reading this shoulddefinately think thankful thoughts in Kathy's direction for having persevered through bad handwriting and what appeared to be spills of ancient beverage to get to the words. This was apparently Newton's second book. The first one, I have heard, vanished shortly before this one began. Whether the cause was bad luck, careless handling, or, as some have alleged, some sort of scandal, cannot be said at this date.
Newton Township Minute Book Newton Township Minute Book
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Att a town meeting held at Newton for the township the twelfth day for the First month called March Anno Domini 1723 In order to Choose officers for the ensuring yeare during which Joseph Cooper & John Gill were continued Overseers of the Poor and having made up their accounts. There is to remain In __and for ye Service the Sum of six pounds fourteen shillings & ten pence.
At said meeting Thomas Sharp was chosen Clerk for ye ensuing yeare & ordered to Bye a Boock for ye service of ye Township And yt out of the money yt is in ye Overseers hands it shall be paide for Which Cost Nine Shillings. This meeting adjourn until ye next time directed by Law Except any Immergency occasion another Meetin Within the Verge of ye Yeare.
Thos. Sharp Esq.
Att a town meeting held at Newton this ninth day the First month Anno domini 1724 The officers Chosen for the Ensuing Year are as followeth~
Overseers off the Roades Š SamÕl. Sharp Freeholders Joseph Cooper
Wm. Albertson overseers of Thomas Sharp
The Poor John Eastlack
Assessor Š Joseph Cooper Junior John Gill
Collects Š William Cooper Survey of ye Jacob _______
Highways SamÕl _______
Joseph Kaighin Thomas Dennis
At said meeting itt was agreed ____ Jonathan Bolton _____ _____ and corn to Ann Morris hoes In order to make him ___able C______ her to ye Place from whence she came and _______ _____ ____ _____ until the seventeenth of the _____
The overseers of the Poor force her away. If she refuses to go and ye ___________
Charge is Expanded __ _____ allotted by this meeting ~ What ______ _____ off John Gill of the Poor _____ as ye _____ _____ Among the Sum of five pound five shillings & five pence Put into ye hand of John _____
Page 2
In Conjunction of & with Thomas Sharp who was Clerk for the Ensewing Year ~
Att a town meeting held in Newton for ye township this Eighth the first month Anno Domini 1725 the Divers officers Presented to ye next Court to be held at Gloucester are as foll.
Overseers James Hinchman Free John Kay
Of the Poor Jacob Midcalf holders John Kaighn
Overseers of Samuel Sharp Surveyers William Cooper
The Roades William Alberson of ye Roades Benja Cooper
Jacob Midcalf
Thomas Atmore
Asseser Joseph Cooper Junior
Collecter John Eastlack
Att sd meeting John Gill one of the former Overseers of the Poor made up his account with this meeting and Paide what remain In his hands of the Poor tax James Hinchman and Jacob Midcalf the Present overseers for the use of st Poor which is the Sum of two pound fifteen shillings & seven pence
Thomas Sharp
Att a Town Meeting held at Newton this 14th day of the First Month Anno Domini 1726 the Divers Officers to be Presented at ye next Court to be held at Gloucester are as followeth
Overseers of James Hinchman Free James Hinchman
The Poor Jacob Midcalf Holders William Cooper
Overseers of Joseph Kaighin Surveyers Jacob Midcalf
The Roades William Dennis of the Roads John Kaighin
John E___
Assesser Joseph Cooper Junior Ben ______
Collecter Benj. Cooper
Benj. Cooper is Nominated
Page 3
Att a Town Meeting held att Newton for the Township this _____ of the first month anno Domini 1727 the Divers officers there chosen to be presented to ye to the Next Court to be held att Gloucester are as followeth
Overseers of Joseph Kaighin Free Joseph Cooper
The Poor John Gill Holders Joseph Cooper Jun.
Overseers of John Eastlake
The Roads Kaleb Sprague
Asseser Joseph Cooper, Jun Surveyors John Kaighin
Collecter SamÕl Sharp of the James Hinchman
Roads William Cooper
Jacob Midcalf
SamÕl Sharp is nominated for Constable for the Ensewing year and Thomas Sharp Clerk. The former Overseers of the Poor had in their hands the sum of two pounds fifteen shillings & seven pence which according to the Report made to this meeting is not Expended for that service therefore they are Directed to pay it unto the Present Overseers Where It shale be their Discharge ~
Att a Town Meeting held at Newton for the Township this Eleventh day of the first month Anno Domini 1728 the Divers officrs for the Ensuing Yeare are as followeth ~
Overseers of Joseph Kaighin Free Robert Zane
The Poore Simon Breache Holders John Kaighin
Overseers of John Eastlack Surveyers William Cooper
The Roades Caleb Sprague of the Benjamin Cooper
High Isaac Cooper
Ways Mark Newby
Assesser Joseph Cooper, Junr.
Collecter John Gill
Constable Thomas Atmore Clerk Thomas Sharp
Town allowed to John Gill upon the account of the Poor 4 and for Joseph Kaighin upon the same account - 6
So yet there remains of the old stock 2 . 4
Page 4
Att a Town Meeting held at Newtown f for the Township this Tenth day of the first month Anno Domino 1729 The Divers officers chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester are as followeth.
Overseers Joseph Kaighin Free William Cooper
Of the Poor Simeon Breache Holders John Kaighin
Overseers of ye John Estlack Surveyors Robert Zane
Roades Caleb Sprague of ye SamÕl Sharp
High Joseph Ellis
Ways Joseph Zane
Asseser Joseph Cooper Junior
Collector Thomas Atmore Clerk Saml Sharp
And Constable
Att said meeting Overseers of ye Poor Settled with the Town and there remains Due upon balance to the Overseers The sum of One Pound Three shillings & Eight pence {It is all so agreed to Raise Six pounds to Answer ye Poor Charges to Levi upon Lands and yo____ men one shilling pr man____
Came to SamÕl Sharps an streay hors {ye 6th day of ye ?? month 1720 ye natural marks are as followeth white collard with short switch tayle and a long mayn middling size: branded one ye of buteack with CH as good as may be comp____ Twelve years old
Allso Come To Joseph Thackras on ye 3rd day of ye 8th month a Small bay hors with a long switch taile and a white spot on his neck hard by ye f___er or white spot in his fore hedd or al____ branded with J on ye near sholder Eaged betwn four a_____
Come to Joseph Zanes a large black mare marked with ye saddle with a white spot an long switch tale her main hath bain trimed but groo______ bush__ll about eight or nine years old supposed to be This ____d day of ye ?1th month 1730 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Page 5
Come to Willm Albursons on ye 7 day of ye 12th Mo A Midling ____ised black hors a switch taile and a white spot on his ___ake marked with the saddle . Seven & eight years old ___ ____ ___ his main hath been cutt & forelop but glou__ __
Att a town Meeting held att Newton for ye Township of Newton This 9th day of ye first month An DO 1730/31 The Divers Oficers Chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held att Gloucester are as followeth vis.
Overseers RobÕt Zane Surveyor Jos. Cooper junior
Of Poor Jas. Kaighin of the John Eslack
Roads Simeon Breach
Overseers Caleb Sprague Caleb Sprague
Of Roads John Gill
Constable} Tho. __________
Free Robert Zane Clerk} Jos. Kaighin
Holders Jos~ Kaighin
Assessers} Jos. Cooper junior
Att A Meeting ye former overseers of ye poor Reported yt. They were one pound four shilling and eight pence out of pocket. Same as last year. As allowed by the last Meeting ~ Therefore to repay (Poressor) and to have some money in bank for ye yse of ye poor ~ This meeting agrees to raise ye sum of six pounds, Proclamation Money and chose Jos. Cooper junr. Assessor to assess ~ the Same as followeth Viz. on every single man yt works for hire not of servants one shilling ~ on every household or att ye Discression of ye assessor nottless than one shilling nor more than five shilling, And what these Certainties fall short of ye sd. Six pounds, shall be equally assessed on ye pound value of all land in this Township and it is also agreed that all persons whose land Tax does nott amount to one shilling shall pay att ye Discression of ye assessor nott less than one shilling nor more than ______shilling ~ ~ ~ turn over
Page 6
Which assessment shall be made and delivered to ye Present Overseers of ye Poor for the sd. Township before ye first day of ye 2d month and payable to ye sd. Overseers att ye first day of third month. Att sd meeting SamÕl Sharp Clerk for ye last year is ordered to Deliver to Jos. Kaighin present clerk all ye Laws, Books and w______ belonging to Sd township That is in his possession
Jos. Kain
Att a town Meeting held att Newton in Pursuance of an Act of ye Generall Assembly of ye Province of New Jersey Intitled An Act for Relief of Ye Poor and by Virtue of a Warrant granted by James Hinchman Justice of ye Peace for ye County of Gloucester To warn ye Inhabitantes of The Township of Newton to meet att Newton aforsd on ye 29th day of Thy Instante September 1731.
Whereas it was orderedby the two last Annuall Meetings to ye sd Township of Newton That There should be raised ye sum of Six Pounds for ye use of ye poor and whereas by Neglack of Assessor ye sd sum was not raised and That be adjusting accounts with ye overseers of poor we find Due to them ye sum of two pounds Eleven shillings and one peney And That There is also present ~ Necessity for a supply of Money as well to answer the charges of tending Nursing and Buring of Wm. Hart a poor man who lay sick at Francis Haddock and Dyed ye 27th of this instant ~ September Which we find to be seven pounds. As Also to reimburse ye P(oor) Overseers. Therefore This Meeting Agrees to raise the Sum of Twelve Pounds as well for ye use above sd as for a further relief of ye poor And ______ Joseph Cooper assessor to assess the same on ye inhabitants of This Township in manner following Viz: On all single young men that work for hire not a servant Two shilling on all person the sum of whose Rateable Estate dose not amount to Two shilling shall pay at ye ~ Descretion of ye Assessor not under Six pence nor above Six shillings And ye sd Assessor Shall cast up These certainties and S______ ye same from ye sd sum of Twelve Pounds and shall equally assess what remain on ye pounds value of all lands and chattels made rateable by and act of this Province.
Jn. ???
Page 7
Which sd assessor shall deliver a True Duplicate of ye Assessment to Robert Zane and Joseph Kaighin overseers of ye Poor for the Township att or before ye 14th day of 8th mo Next and _________shall be payable to Overseers on demand which sd overseers shall _______________shillings for their Trouble of collecting sd money And is also ordered to pay out of Poor money to Francis Haddock ye sum of four pounds Eighteen shillings and one pence for his charges and trouble of nursing and tending one William Hart a poorman that lay sick Seven weeks att his house and dyed there ye 27th of this Instant September
And also to pay themselves ye sum of four pounds twelve shilling and two pence being Due to Them from this Township upon act of the poor and pay Docter H_______
For administered Physik to sd Hart and to Tho. Peryweb 12 shilling for service done in assisting ye Overseers of ye poor upon severall acct.
Att a town meeting held at Newton for ye township of Newton this 14 day of ye first month 1732 of Divers officers where chosen to be presented at ye next court to be held at Gloucester are as followeth Viz:
Overseers Robert Zain Jno. Kaighin Clerk
Poor Joseph Kaighin Overseer Isaac Cooper
Of ye Roads Joseph Zain
Freeholder Robert Zain Surveyor James Hinchman
Joseph Kaighin of ye high John Kaighin
Ways Robert Hubs
Joseph Kaighin
Assessor} Joseph Cooper Constable William Alberson
& Collector James Grabery
Att ye said meeting Robert Zain & Joseph Kaighin overseers of ye poor made up there acct with ye meeting & there remain in bank 2-15-7 and 3-2-8 to be gathered & ye meeting allows Robert Zain to have one shilling for expenses & Robert Zain & Joseph Kaighin to have those taxes allowed them for their trouble
Page 8
On ye 29th of December 1731 Then John Estlack of Newton gave notice to me under written that there come to his Plantation A two year old horse Colt of a black color of a Small Sire {no identificol Mark}
Intered by Jos Kaighn
Att a town meeting held at Newton this 27th day of March 1732 there came ye overseers of ye poor & made up their accts with ye meeting & sd meeting find ye township__________ for ye payment there of & for a further _____________
Ye meeting order that if said sum shall be all used by ye 13th day of October next & that ye assesser is to assess ye township in ye _______________ & form as ever done by a order of meeting held ye 29th day of ye 1731 & deliver a duplicate by or before ye 13th day of October next to ye overseers of ye poor; & ye said meeting Charles J. Cooper assessor & Jos. Kaighin & Robert Hopkin overseers of ye poor which which said moverseers are to collect & gather said sum of 12 for gatherine ye same & farther ye said _______order that there shall be paid to Robert Zain ye sum of _____ & to Robert Hopkin ye sum of 3- - , & to Robert Porch ye sum of s for _________in ye township
Att a town meeting held at Newton for ye said township this 13th day of ye first month Anno Domini 1733 ye officers were chosen as follow Viz. ~
Freeholder Tobias Holloway Surveyor of Ja: Hinchman
Joseph Kaighin ye highways Jno. Estaugh
Jno. Kaighin
Jos. Kaighin
Assesor} Joseph Cooper Constable} Wma. Din____
Overseer of Tobias Holloway Collection} Wilm. Alberson
Ye poor John Gill Clerk} Jno. Kaighin
Overseer of Isaac Cooper
Ye highways Joseph Zain
Page 9
Att a town meeting held this 26 day of September 1733 there ye meeting order that there shall be raised ye sum of thirteen pound for ye overseers of ye poor in ye manner and form as it was raise by order of a meeting held at Newton ye 29th day September 1731 & the meeting chose Joseph Cooper assessor
Att a town meeting held this 2 day of May 1733 att ye said meeting it was agreed that there shall be raised ye sum of twenty four pounds for ye relief of ye poor & that ye said Sum of 24 shall be raised in manner following viz: on all person whose tax of his ratables of law doth not amount to two shilling at ye assessors _________ not under one shilling nor above fifteen shillings & on all single men that work for hire four shillings & on all public tavern holdings by (liberty?) ten shilling & on ferry, five Shilling on Sarah Norris twenty shilling & he mill ten shilling ye said meeting chooses Jos. Kaighin to be assessor for ye present year who is to Sub tract ye certainly from ye _______ Sum & assess ye _____________________________________________________
On all lands and ________& ye said (meeting) order James Graisbery to have five shilling & gd _______________________ to ye collection & 9 pc to ye assessor of of assessor is to deliver a duplicate to ye collector by ye fifth day of (June?) next who is to collect ye same forthwith for ye use of ye poor.
There was found on William Alberson Inclose a bottle gray mare with a Long Swich tail no artificial mark supposed to be five years old she was found on ye 10th day of November 1733 payed
There was found on Thomas _____________ Inclose ye 17th day of November 1733 a red bull about two years old with a Slict in his ear
There was found on John Gill Inclose ye 5th day Decbr. 1733 a bay horse with a long tale Some white hair in his forehead no artificial mark, supposed to be 6 or 7 years old
Page 10
There was found on James Hinchman Inclose ye 17th day of November 1733 a black horse with white spot under _________ no artificial mark supposed to be ten or twelve years old.
There was found on James Graysbury Enclose ye 20th day of November 1733 a year old coming heffer of a brown couler no artificial mark nor_________________
Atta town meeting held at Newton Township this 12th day of March 1734 ye divers officers were chosen as following Viz:
Clerk} John Kaighin Surveyor of James Hinchman
Freeholder} James Hinchman ye highways Timothy Matlock
Timothy Maclock Joseph Ellis
Willm. Alberson
Assessor} Joseph Cooper
Overseer Tobias Holloway Constable & Joseph Mickel
Of ye poor Joseph Kaighin Collector
Overseers of} Samuel Sharp
Ye highways John Brick
Paid May ye 5 1734 then taken up at ye house of Jacob Madcalf a horse of a dark bay couler with black swich tale shod all around
Paid May hye 15 1734 taken up at ye house of Jacob Madcalf a gray horse with a swich tale and shod before
Page 11
John Kaighin to be assessor & have 3 (?) S for assessing & ye collector to have 12 pe for collecting ye money when must be done forth with after ye assessment
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye township of Newton in ye county of Gloucester & Province of New Jersey this 9th day of March 1735 the Divers officers were chosen to be presented at ye next court to be held at Glouster afsd. ~
Clerk} John Kaighin
Freeholder} Timothy Mactlock
Joseph Kaighin
Assessor} John Gill
Surveyor of Samuel Clement
Ye high John Kaighin
Way William Alberson
Isaac Alberson
Overseer of Benjamin Cooper
Ye poor William Alberson
Overssers of John Estlack
Ye Roads Tibias Holloway
Constable} John Kaighin
Collector} John Kaighin
Att ye sd meeting it was ordered that William Dinin shall have five shilling for working in ye town & five shilling for removing a poor person out of ye township; and ye said meeting order that Thomas Atmore shall have six shilling for his sadle mending; to be paid them by ye overseers of ye poor ~
Page 12
There was found on Joseph Zain Improved Land a young Red Bull of two year old with a white fais & a two year old red Heaffer
Atta twon meeting held at Newtownship ye 11th 1735 Divers officers were chosen to be presented at our next court to be held at Gloucester are as follow:
Clark} Jno. Kaighin Overseers Jos. Kaighin
Of poor Robt Stephen
Freeholder} Jos. Kaighin
Isaac Cooper Surveyor Ja: Hinchman
Of ye Jos. Cooper
Assessor Jos. Cooper Highways Jos. Kaighin
Robt. Hubbs
Overseer of Jno. Kaighin
Highways James Grasbery Constable & John Jaighin
At ye said meeting it was agreed that ye overseers of ye poor shall pay ye coroner & jury fees & other expense that incurred by Richard Blase (?) a man that hung himself; & further order them to pay John Estlack ye som of give shilling for ??? ing in town; and further it was greed by sd moriety of the said meeting that the meeting for chosing ye officers shall be eld at ye town of Haddonfield on ye second Tuesday of March next & yearly & every year as ye Laws Direct till a further alteration; and that ye overseers to have those taxes allowed them for their trouble.
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye township of Newton this 11th day of September 1735 The said meeting order that there shall be raised ye sum of eight pounds for ye overseers of ye poor; in manner following (viz.) that is to say on all mills, taverns & ferry ¾ & on Timothy Maclocks 5 & on Sarah Norris ¾ & on all young men that work for hire 1/6 (and all ye above sum are certainty) & on all house holder whole tax of ye taxable estate doeth not amount to one shilling to be tax at ye direction of ye assessor not above 5 & every person estate to be valued according to a act of this Province made from ye 25th year to 30 for ye support of Government; he said meeting Choses
Jno. Kaighin
Page 13
March ye 29
Paid There came into ye plantation of Joseph Kaighin a large brown bay horse with a black mane & tale & one white foot shod before & a starr in ye forehead Supposed to be 8 or 10 years old ~
Paid There came into a plantation of Joseph Kaighin a little brown mare with one white foot supposed to be 10 or 12 year old ~
Paid March ye 29 And a year old colt with three white feet & brown coller black main & tail ~ ~ ~
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye township of Newton in ye county of Gloucester & Province of New Jersey this 13th day of August 1736 by virtue of a __________ by Ja. Hinchman
Att ye said meeting ye old overseer (viz) Joseph Kaighin & Robert Stephen came & made up their acc. With ye sd meeting & there remain due to ye township ye sum 4 Š 3 Š 7 which Sum the present overseer has in their had for ye use of ye poor & ye meeting forgive Robert Danigy his tax that is due before this date. The said meeting order that there shall be raised ye Sum ten pound for ye use of ye poor; in ye same manner as it was done by order of a town meeting held at Haddonfield aforsd ye 11th day of September 1735 ye meeting allows ye assessor (Vix.) (John Gill) to assess ye town by a duplicate or list that he has taken for ye County Taxe & ye assessor to have 6 pence pd for assessing & ye overseers to have 12 pe for gathering ye taxes; Likewise there is six shilling not gathered with are ________
Jan. 5th Then there was found in ye plantation of Robert Hubb a black roan mare
With a white spot over her left eye her main hang off ye near side & black
paid Switch tale & main Supposed to be about eight year old.
Page 14
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye township of Newton in ye County of Gloucester at Province of New Jersey this 8th day of March 1736/7
Ye sd Divers officers were Chosen to be presented at our next court to be held at Glouster afd.
Clark} John Kaighin
Assessor} Joseph Kaighin
Freeholder} Timothy Maclock
Joseph Kaighin
Surveyor James Hinchman
Of ye Willm. Alberson
Highways Joseph Kaighin
Robert Hubbs
Overseer of ye Robert Hubs
Highways Isaac Alberson
Overseers of Benj. Cooper
Ye poor Thomas Atmore
Constable} John Kaighin
Collector} SamÕl Clement
Page 15
Att ye said meeting it was ordered that there shall be raised sum of twenty pounds which sum is to raised in manner following (for ye use of ye poor) (Viz) that a tax on all mills, taverns and ferrys 6/6 S & on Timothy Maclocks 5 S on Sarah Norris 6/6 S & on all young men that work for hier 3/ which ye above said sum are certainty ye rest to be raised on ye house holder on pound value and all that house holder what tax, of ye taxable Doth not amount to two shilling Shall be at ye assers discretion not above ten shilling nor under two and every post or stake to value according a act of the Province made to Commence from 1725 to 1730 for ye Support of Government & ye said meeting chooses Joseph Kaighin to be assessor for ye poor tax and allows of them above 5 p/ paid them by ye overseer of ye poor & of said _________ twenty pounds to be assessed forthwith & paid in to ye overseers of ye poor by ye 15th day of April next
There was found on ye plantation of Samuel Sharp ye 31st day of March 1737 one mare of a dark brown couler and hind foot white & little white in in her forehead Shod before near 14 hand high Suppos to be young with white on her nose
Page 16
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield ye 25th day of October 1737 came ye overseers of ye poor & could not make up their acct with meeting therefore meeting order that ye overseer shall make up their acct & bring it to ye next meeting.
And ye said meeting order that there shall be raise ye sum of twentyfive pound for ye overseer of ye poor in manner following (viz) on Isaac Kay mill ten shilling & on John brick mill eight shilling & on Sarah Norris shop ten shilling and on Thomas PeryWebb ten shilling & Timothy MaclockÕs twelve shilling & on Humphery Day for his __ & Tavern twenty shilling & on all young men that work for hier 3/6 each and all rest to be taxed by ye pound value on ye householder & all ye household or wh__ tax at ye taxable estate doth not amount to two shillings shall be at ye discretion of tax asseser not above ten shilling nor under two shilling and every poss___ estate to be rated according to a Law made in this Province for ye support of Government to commence from ye 1725th year to 1730 the meeting levey ye asseser to have pmt for assessing & ye overseerer have 12 pce for collecting and ______ of John Kaighin a 5L for warning in y7e town & order assessor to assess ye above sum in two week time after date delivered duplicate to ye overseer and all so ye said meeting order that there shall be a Town pound made 30 food square with good post board, on Timothy Maclock ground ye pound to be made & kept by Timothy Maclock in a month time after date & ye said Maclock give ye town leave to have ye said ground for ye space of seven years without any hindrance; & ye town ___
Timothy _________ ye sd pound for himself so that he ___________ hurt ye township & ye meeting order Timothy to assign his acct of 4 ? ye payment in order to have his pay
Page 17
1737 There was found on ye plantation of John Eslack a grayost mare with one
Dec. 30th hind foot white & one 3y3 lost of a middle size ~ ~ ~
1737 There was found on ye plantation of Penj. Cooper a sorrel mare with a
??? 2 white face branded on year near shoulder & near thigh with this Letter
L and likewise a young black colt with a star in ye forehead~ ~ ~
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye township of Newton in ye County of Gloucester & Province of New Jersey this 14th day of March 1737-8 The Divers offices where cosen to be present for next court to be held at Gls. Aforesaid ~ ~ ~ ~
Clerk} Jos. Kaighin Overseer Joseph Ellis
Of ye poor John Howel
Freeholder Timothy Maclock
James Hinchman Overseer Joseph Zain
Of ye roads Joseph Mickel
Asseser} Joseph Kaighin
Constable} Joseph Kaighin
Surveyor of Isaac Cooper
Roads SamÕl Clement Collector} Isaac Kay
Willm. Alberson
Tobias Holloway
At ye said meeting it is ordered that there shall be rased ye sum of twenty five pound in ye same manner as it has rased ye last meeting (Vix) held ye 24th day of October 1737 and choses Joseph Kaighin to be Asseser for this tax & deliver a Duplicate to ye overseers of the poor in two month after date ye said meeting order that Timothy Maclock shall have ye sum of three pound nineteen shilling paid him by ye overseer of ye poor ________ ye monty to be rased ~ ~ ~
Benj. Cooper and Thomas Attmore came & made up acct with ye said meeting & there remaining in their hands ye sum of 2 -1-6
Page 18
Atta Town:
December ye 13th 1736 there came to posted by Tobias Holloway a sorrel horse with a swich tale & long maine a star in his forehead with a white strip down his nose no artificial nor naturale mark
December ye There ordered to be posed by John Estlack a bay horse with switch
15th 1736 tale & _______ hind white & branded on ye near shoulder with
- supposed to old
Att a Town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye county of Glocester Province of Jew Jersey this 25th day of January 1736/7 It is ordered by ye said meeting that ye overseer of ye poor shall take charge of one Ruth Corkcoren a certain woman that has put her self on ye Town for Mantenance and her keep till next Meeting and ye said meeting order Gworge Allen ye Constable to have five shilling for warning in ye town paid by ye overseer
Febuary ye Then ordered to be posted by John Gill a sorrel horse shod all around
19th 1738-9 ______ has a blaze in his face white mane & tale aged as supposed 11 or
12 year paid
March ye Then ordered to be posed by Tobias Holloway a year old horse cold some
9th 1739/40 white under ye _____ some white foot it be ________red white at ye
End of it tale
January ye There was ordered to be posed by Daniel Cooper a black horse about 12 or
17th 13 hands high & about ___ year old & has a star in his forehead &
Branded on ye near ____ with some thing like G Y a switch tail.
Page 19
Att a Tpwm ,eetomg held at Haddonfield in ye County of Glos. Ye Province of New Jersey this 13th day of ye month called Marchf f1739 Divers officer were chosen to be presented to our next ____ to be holden at Glos. Aforsd.
Clerk} Jon. Kaighin Overseer Tobias Holloway
Of ye poor Isaac Alberson
Asseser} Jon. Gill
Constable} Jon. ?
Free holder James Hinchman
Joseph Kaighin Collector} SamÕl Boogg
Surveyer Jon. Kaighin
Of ye Roads Robt. Hubb
Wm. Alberson
Robt. Stephen
Overseer Joseph Ellis
Of ye poor Jon. Kaighin
Att ye said meeting ye oversser of poor came & made up their acct & there remains be hind in their hand ye sum of 17-4-0
Atta Town meeting held at Haddonfield ye eight day of May 1739
The Said meeting consent that Isaac Powel may have one James Corkcoron a poor child that become a charge to ye township and to give said Powel twelve pound for taken ye said child to which said Powel agreed to & he took ye said child of ye town by Indenture.
Page 20
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield in ye County of Glouceste & Province of New Jersey this Second day of June 1739 ~ ~ ~ at ye said meeting ye overseer of ye poor came made up their acct. with ye said meeting & there is due to overseer ye sum of
9 Š 1 - ? for defraying of which sum ye said meeting order that there shall be rased ye sum of fifteen pound for ye use of ye poor; In ye manner following (viz) Isaac Kay & John Breach mills to be rated at seven shilling each & on Cooper ferry twenty shilling & on all young men that are Inhabitant in ye said Township work for hire to pay two shilling each & ye rest to be taxed by ye pound value on all ye house Holder (viz) to be rated by an act of this Province made to Commince from 1725 to 1730 for support of Government; and all whose tax at ye taxable estate doth amount to 1/6 shall be rated at ye
Discretion of ye asseser; __above six shilling nor under 1/1 and ye meeting chooseth John Gill to be assessor for this _______tax which said asseser to asses ye same & deliver a Duplicate in two week time after date to overseer of ye poor to have ?? for assessing & overseer to have 12 ea for gatherine ye taxes & ye said meeting ______John Eslack constable for warning ye town twice & allows James Hinchman 4 for writing these minutes & ____ to be paid by ye overseer
January ye seventh 1740/41 then came into ye plantation of John Gill eleven sheep (viz) six white ones with mutton faces and five black ones mark with a crop and a slit ye off ear ~ ~ ~ ~
January ye 13th 1740/41 There ordered to be posed by Thomas Red??? A sorrel horse with white in his forehead and some white sponts on is back and white foot supposed to be 12 years old Shod before & apacÉ.
Page 21
Att a Town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye Township of (Newton) Gloucester ye Province of New Jersey this 11th day of March 1739/40. The Diver officer were chosen to be presented to our next court of General Quarter Session to be holden at Gloucester aforesaid are as follow ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Clerk} John Kaighin Overseer of Isaac Cooper
Ye Poor SamÕl Boogg
Assesor for Jos. Kaighin
County & Poor Overseer of James Grasbery
Ye roads Ebinezer Hopkins
Freeholder Timothy Maclock
Robert Hubb Collector} John Breach
Surveyor of SamÕl Clement Constable} Joseph Zain
Ye High way Willm. Alberson
SamÕl Mickall
Jos. Kaighin
At ye said meeting of overseer of ye poor came & made up their acct with ye said meeting & there remain in their hand ____ to ye said meeting ye sum of four shillings beside Jos. Zain Six shilling and ye said meeting allow Joseph Zain to have his six shilling for keeping one Ann Phillips ten days which said money is as paid him by Jos. Ellis _____ & there remain due to said meeting four shilling.
Page 22
At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield in ye County of Gloucester and Province of New Jersey the 10th day of March 1740 The Diverse officer were chosen to be presented to the next court of General Quarter Session to be holden at Gloucester aforesaid
Clerk} John Kaighin
Assesser} Joseph Joseph Kaighin
Surveyor of Joseph Cooper
The Road Joseph Kaighin
Tobias Holloway
Samuel Clement
Over seer of Ebinezer Hopkins Freeholder Isaac Cooper
The poor Samuell Sharp Ebenezer Hopkins
Overseer of Joseph Kaighin
Ye Road James Grasbury
Collector} Samuel Mickall
Constable} Joseph Ellis
At ye said Meeting ye oversser of ye poor came and made up their acct with ye said meeting and there remain due in the hands of ye new overseer ye sum of 5-2-6
On the 4th Day of December 1741 or thereabout came Seven Sheep Six ewes & one ram in ye plantation of John Heritage ye ewes are of no mark neither natural nor artificial ye ram ave a half_____ in ye near ear
On the 14th day of November 1741 or there about Came on the Plantation of Thomas Edginton a small Black Horse about three or four years old supposed to be a Stallion one hind foot white; a long tail, no artificial
S Mickle C.I
Page 23
Att a Town Meeting held att Haddonfield for the Township of Newton this ninth day of the first month called March 1741/2 the divers officers chosen for the Ensuing year to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester are as followeth
Overseers of Ebenizer Hopkins Asseser} Joseph Kaighin
Ye Poor Robert Stephens
Freeholders} Robert Stephens
Overseers of James Hinchman Ebenezer Hopkins
Ye Roads Joseph Kaighin
Collector} SamÕl Mickle
Survey of Joseph Cooper
Ye Roads Isaac Cooper Constable} Isaac Alberson
William Alberson
Samuel Clement Samuel Mickle Clerk
At ye said Meeting the overseers of ye Poor reported that that they had not expended any of the Town Money which remained in their hands ye last year which is L5-9-6
Ye sd Meeting allows Samuel Clement L 9 Š 9s for making ye Bridge and allows Timothy Matlack 16 s Š 8d for his Expense about ye Burial of Mulato M__ and allows Joseph Ellis 7 s for Service done for ye Town which aforesaid Town being _____
____remains in the hands of Ebenezer Hopkins one of ye present overseers ____
Also att ye aforesaid Meeting was taken into Consideration ye Convenuncy of a Burying Ground for the use of ye Poor and Service of this Township and where Joseph Kaighin and Joseph Zane do allow ye Town to have of their _____of their land gratis for ye aforesaid service therefore this Meeting hath appointed Joseph Cooper, Timothy Matlack, James Hinchman, Josepeh Kaighin, Ebenezer Hopkins, Robert Stephens, Robert Hubs and Joseph Zane to meet at ______ of ground at one or both ye aforesaid places as they or ye Major part of them can agree ______they Survey ye sd ground and that there be a Deed from ye owner of said Ground _____Overseers of the Poor and that they get as much of ye Said ground clear and fenced as they think necessary for the use and Service aforesaid.
Page 24
Att a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton this 8 day of ye first Month 1742/3 then the divers officers following were chosen and to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Session to be Held ____
Clerk} SamÕl Mickle Overseers} Robert Stephens
Of ye poor} Ebenezer Hopkins
Freeholders} Robert Stephens
Ebenezer Hopkins Overseers of} Isaac Cooper
Ye Roads} Samuel Clement
Surveyors of} Joseph Cooper
The Roads Isaac Cooper Assesser} Joseph Kaighin
William Alberson
Samuel Clement Collector} Samuel Mickle
Nominated by Constable} Robert Hubbs
The Court
Isaac Cooper
SamÕl Clement
March ye 8th 1742 then notice was given by Joseph Zane to be Entred in this Book that there is on his Improved Land two Stray Sheep one a ewe the other a mother of ye age he knew not are both White no Natural nor artificial mark that he knows of
S. Mickle
January ye third 1743 then notice was given to me by Joseph Low to Enter in this Book that there is on his Improved Land a three year old Black Mare _________ no mark or artificial mark S. Mickle
January 14th 1743 then Notice was given to me by Joseph Ellis to be Entred in this Book that there is on his Improved Land a _____black & _____ aged about ten years old a star in her forehead no other natural or artificial marks Also a Horse about two years old of a brown bay Colour with a large star in his _____ And a Brown Colt a year old next Spring with a Star in her face no natural or oartificial mark that he knows of.
S. Mickle
This is to give Notice that there stray is on the Improved Land of John Gill a Sorrel Horse figured to be about 15 or 16 years old white mane and _______and a blasˇ in his face Some white spots on his Back a Shod before & ____
April ye 10th 1744 ye horse belongs to Sarah Norris
Page 25
Att a Town Meeting Held at Haddonfield In the Township of Newton this Thirteenth Day of ye first Month 1743 Divers Officers then and there Chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Session to be held at Gloucester are as followeth
Clerk} Sam. Mickle Surveyors of Robert Stephens
Ye Highways Ebenezer Hopkins
Freeholder} Timothy Matlack Joseph Ellis
Joseph Ellis Joseph Kay
Overseers of Thomas Atmore Asseser} Joseph Kaighin
Ye Poor Robert Hubs
Collector} SamÕl Mickle
Overseers of Isaac Cooper
Ye Highways Samuel Clement Constable} Gabril Newby John Breach
Att sd Meeting e late overseers of ye Poor Made up their account and there remained in ye hands of Ebenezer Hopkins Eight Shillings & eight Pence which ______paid to Robert Hubs one of ye present overseers as also an order _________Sarah Norris for two Pounds ___ L2-8-8
The Said Meeting agree that ye Mill hill near Isaac Kays in ye road to Burlington shall be Mended at ye Expense of the Town and Imploy Samuel Clement to ________Same & appoint two of ye Justices In Conjunction with ye two Surveyors of ye roads for ye sd Town to view it to judge if it be well Done.
Page 26
Att a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield in ye Township of Newton and County of Gloucester ye 12th day of ye first Month 1744 the offices chosen to be presented to ye next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester are as followeth
Clerk} SamÕl Mickle Freeholders} Timothy Matlack
Samuel Clement
Overseers of Joseph Thackary
Ye poor William Griscom Surveyors of Robert Stephens
Ye Highways Joseph Ellis
Overseers of Samuel Bogs Isaac Kay
Ye Highways Joseph Heritage Isaac Smith
Asseser} Joseph Kaighin Constable} John Breach
Collector} SamÕl Mickle
At ye sd Meeting Robert Hubbs one one of ye late overseers of ye Poor paid into ye hands of William Griscom one of ye overseers for ye year Ensuing L 1 Š 0 - ?
Due to ye Town from John Jones in ye hands of Gabril Newby L 2 Š 0 - ?
The Township being in Debt this Meeting do order that there shall be raised ye ____
Of Ten Pounds in Manner following viz: on Single men 2 s all Ferrys 3 s Isaac KayÕs Mill 3 s John BreachÕs Mill 2 s ye rest to be assessed on ye ground value on all house Holds and to be rated according to ye Direction of an Act of Assemble for ye Support of Government Bearing Date in year 1725 and all persons whose Tax of ye Taxable Estate doth not amount to two shillings to be at the Direction of ye Overseer not above five shillings nor under one shilling
This is to give notice that there is Strayed on the Plantation of John Gill of Haddonfield five sheet three of them last Springs Lambs all of them white one ram and four ewes marked with a Small fork in ear
December ye first 1846
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Atta Town Meeting held at Haddonfield in ye Township of Newton this Eleventh Day of the first month Anno Domini 1745 the ___ officers for ye Ensuing year were chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester and are as followeth
Clerk} SamÕl Mickle Surveyor of Robert Stephens
Ye Highways Isaac Cooper
Overseers of Joseph Thackry Samuel Clement
Ye poor William Griscom Joseph Ellis
Freeholders} Samuel Clement Overseers of Samuel Boggs
Isaac Smith ye Highways Thomas Attmore
Asseser} Joseph Kaighin Constable} Robert Stephens
Collector} Isaac Smith
Sd Meeting allow ye Overseers of ye Poor six pence in the pound for collecting the last tax
Overseers of ye poor made up their account in sd. Meeting and Remains in their hands
December ye 21th 1746
This is to give notice that there is Strayed on the Improved Land of James Hinchman a little grey Mare a year old last Spring no Marks
Page 28
Att a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield in ye Township of Newton this tenth Day of ye First Month 1746 ye divers officers for ye year Ensuring were chosen to be presented to ye next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester and are as followeth
Clerk} SamÕl Mickle Asseser} Joseph Kaighin
Collector} Jacob Clement
Overseers of William Griscom
Ye poor John Breach Overseers of Isaac Cooper
Ye Highways John Maxell
Freeholders} Robert Stephens
Joseph Ellis Constable} Joseph Thackry
Surveyors of Samuel Boggs
Ye Highways Thomas Attmore
Isaac Alberson
Samuel Mickle Nominated by ye Court
Thos. Alberson
SamÕl Mickle
Att ye sd Meeting William Griscom one of ye overseers of ye poor ____
Accounts with sd. Meeting and there remained in his hands of ye Town Money L 22 - ???
This is to give Notice that there is _____ upon ye improved land of Thomas Garwood___ the last Spring heifer Calf of red colour, under belley hind langs and end of ye tail white no artificial marks December ye 4th 1747 Paid
This is to give notice that there is Strayed upon the improved Land of William Alberson a Grey Mare and with her an Iron Grey Colt a year old ____ Spring, ye mares age not known both natural _____ ye mare shod before & below ___& 14 hands
December ye 22 1747
Paid X
Ye sd ox abut 10 or 12 year ould
Ye 2 of ye ? month 1747 Came to the Plantation of Robert Stephens in Newton Gloucester County about the 5 or yth of ye ______last a black ox with a dark stain in his forehead white near the top of each sholder with other small speks his belley with most part of his legs & tail is white The owner Is Desired to ___ the Cost & take him away it is Supposed that the sd ox has been in Newton or ______ all Summer recÕs 12d per me
Wm. Griscom X
Ye 19th of ye 11 mo strayed upon improved land of Benjamin Pine a brown horse 13 ½ hands high no mark but sadle ga__s on each sid _____ aged about 18 years the owner is Desired to Pay the Cost and take him away - recÕd 12 d per me Wm. Griscom X
Page 29
Att a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton this Eighth Day of ye first month 1747 the following officers were Chosen for the Ensuing year
Clerk} SamÕl Mickle Asseser} Jos. Kaighin
Overseers of SamÕl Boggs Collector} John Maxell
Ye Poor Jos. Ellis
Overseers of Thos. Atmore
Freeholders} Saml. Clement ye highways Jos. Zain
Robert Stephens
Surveyors of Isaac Cooper Constable} Isaac Kay
Ye Highways John Breach
Isaac Alberson
Samuel Mickle
At ye Meeting the overseer of ye poor came and made up their acct with ye said meeting and there remain in their hand ye sum of 18/14 beside a five pound Note of Thomas Atkinson and Th_____ty shilling due from ye sd Atkinson Tax ____ which ye sd overseer deliver ye said sum to SamÕl Boggs & Joseph Ellis ye In_____ding overseers as witness our hand, Wm. Griscom
Ye 8 of ye 11 mo 1749/50 Straid upon the improved land of Joseph Zain the 4th of this instand a large Black mare about 13 years old with a bob tail & white spots on each of her back _____
Ye 11 of ye 11 th 1749/50 Strayed on the improved Land of John Eastlack smaly bay mare a large star in her foehead 13 hand high about six years old. Came about the 20th of last moth 3 ? Paid
Came ye 5 day of ______________ January into the Inchlose of James Hinchman, Esq. a Stray Bay maire Count about 2 years old next spring She ___ a white on her off and a few white hairs in her forehead her maine and taile is very full of Bhurgs
Page 30
Att a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield For the Township of Newton this fourteenth Day of ye First Month 1748 the following officers were chosen for the Ensuring year
Clerk} Wm. Griscome Asseser} Joseph Kay
Overseers Jos. Ellis Collector} Thos Attmore
Of the poor SamÕl Boggs
Overseers of Robert Stephen
Free Robert Stephens The highways Daniel Hillman
Holders Ebenazar Hopkins Junr.
Surveyors of Isaac Cooper Constable SamÕl. Clement
The highways Isaac Alberson but he Did not Serve
Joseph Ellis
Thomas Atmore
At Sd meeting Joseph Ellis & Samuel Boggs Came and made up their accompts and there remains in their hands the sum of L3 Š 7 Š 3d ~ ~ ~
At sd meeting the town allows Joseph Ellis 5/0 and Wm. Griscom one shilling for Services Done to be Paid by Samuel Boggs
Also this meeting appoints Joseph Kaighin, Joseph Zain, Robert Stevens & Daniel Hillman junr with the two overseers to get a Deed for a quarter of an acre of land of Joseph Zain for a burying ground (and Clear & fence a Peace of it two or three Š Panicl Squair) according to an agreement made at a town meeting held the 9th Day of ye 1st mo. 1741/2.
Page 31
Att a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Town of Newton this 13 Day of ye first month 1749/50 ye following officers were Chosen for the ensuing year ~ ~
Clerk} William Griscom Asseser} Samuel Clement
Overseers John Maxell Collector} Isaac Mickel
Of the poor Daniel Cooper
Freeholders} Robert Stevens Overseers of Daniel Hillman
The highways Daniel Estlack
Surveyors of Isaac Alberson
Ye highways Wm. Alberson Constable} Samuell Clement
Joseph Thacary Thos. Hinchman
Samuel Lippencott
Said meeting allows Joseph Ellis the Sum of L 11-5-3 for keeping Robert Armstrong 36 weeks from the first day ye first mo last all this time with aother charges allowed L 11-5-3
___ye 9 month 1740 Straid upon the improved land of Jos. Thacary a heifer all over red crumpled horns a year old no mark
Att a Town meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton this 12 day of ye first month 1750/51 The following officers were Chosen for the Ensuring year
Clerk} Wm Griscom Asseser} Samuel Clement
Overseers Jacob Clement Collector Isaac Mickel
Of the Poor Hanary Siddens
Freeholders} Ebenazar Hopkins Overseers of Thos. Atmore
Robert Stephens the Highways Robert Price
Surveyors Jos. Thacary Constable} Samuel Boggs
Of the SamÕl Lippincott
Highways Joseph Ellis
Isaac cooper
At said meeting John Naxell and Daniel cooper came and made up acompts and the town bell in Debt the sum of ________________
At Said meeting it was agreed that there should be Sum of L25-0-0 In manner of the last minute made for that purpose
Page 32
1749/50 Ye 13 of 11 Mo by a Complant made by Joseph Ellis and Samuel Boggs overseers to James Hinchman & for a warrant in the Enhabitance of the township in order to Bind out a Child aged 18 months the Son of Ri____ Bucksson therefore the town met & agreed that Child should be put to Daniel Hillman Senior for the Sum of fourteen Pounds which Sd Hillmans wife agree to take the Sd Child for
Att Sd meeting it was agreed that there should be raised the sum of 20 Pounds for the use of the Poor in manner manner following single men 4/ Shops Thos. Redman, Matthias Aspen 15s Isaac Kays grist mill 7/6 fulling mill 5/ Jacob Albersons Mill 7/6 ferries Daniel coopers ferry 7/6 Benjamin cooper ferry 5/0 all wood flats or boats for carring wood ___ All the ___ to be raised on house holders on Pound Value __ All house holders whose tax of the ratable Estate Doth not amount to 2/ shall be at the Descrietion of the Asseser not above 5/0 nor under 2/0 ~ ~ ~ ~
John Estlack is allowed 5s for warning in the town the said money to be raist by the 1st of the first mo next
1751 Ye 29 9f ye 9 mo Strayed upon the Improved lands of Lucus Pine four horses inc
One Black mare 13 ½ hands high with a Bay colt Colt has a starr in its forehead last Spring Colt ---- one tow year old Colt a Dark mayne Colter no marks the other a yearling ____ black all over no mark
2 mo 27 1752 Straiy on the improved of Samuel Boggs last July a ewe & lamb boath white pair mark with a slit in the near Ear & a half paney in the off Ear
Att a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newtown this Tenth Day of March 1752 the following officers ware chosen for the year Ensuing
Clerk} Jacob Clement Constable} John Maxell
Overseers James Grasbery
Of poor RobÕt. Price
Freeholders} Ebenezer Hopkins
Isaac Albertson
Surveyors of John Hinchman
Highways Jacob Stokes
Josph. Thackrey
William Albertson
Asseser} James Hinchman
Collector} Thomas Atmore
Overseers of Joseph Zane
Ye Roads SamÕl Hugg
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newtown this thirteenth day of March 1753 the Divers officers chosen for ye ensuing year to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at sd Gloucester Are as followeth
Clerk} Jacob Clement Freeholders} Ebenezer Hopkins
Isaac Cooper
Overseers Thomas Hinchman
Of the poor Robt. Price Surveyors Robt. Stephens
Of the John Hinchman
Overseers Isaac Mickle highways Wm. Albertson
Of the highways SamÕl. Hugg Archibald Mickle
Asseser} Samuel Clement Constable} William Griscom
Collector} Jacob Stokes Sd town Chose Samuel Clement
Asseser both Serucses
Page 34
Att a meeting held in the year 1753 the Sd meeting ordered that there shall be raised the Sum of Twenty five pounds in manner followeth Ye Shops Mathias Aspdin 10-6 Thos. Redman Do 10-6 ferrys Daniel Cooper 7-6 Benjamin Coopers Do 5-0 Grismills Isaac Kays 5 ____ Jacob Albertson Do 5-0 fulling mills 5-0 Singlemen 3-0 all wood Boats or flats for carring of Wood 2-6 Servents 1-0 all persens whose ratable Estate Doth not amount to 2-0 Shall not be Under 2-0 or above ten Shillings & Atta a town meeting held at Haddonfield in ye Township of Newtown this twelfth Day of March 1754 ye Divers officers for the Ensuing Year ware chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester and are as followeth
Clark} Jacob Clement
Overseers of Thomas Hinchman Asseser} Samuel Clement
The poor Robt. Price
Collector} Thomas Atmore
Freeholders} Ebenezer Hopkins
Robt. Stephens Overseers of Isaac Mickle
The poor SamÕl. Hugg
Surveyors of Isaac Albertson
The Highways John Thorne Constable} Daniel Eastlack
William Albertson
Jacob Stokes
This meeting orders that SamÕl Hugg Shall be paid Seven Shilling & nine Pence for plank for repairing Kays Bridge also allows Wm. Griscom Seven Shilling & six pence for removing Two poor persons out of Said Town and Serving a warrant in the Service of the Town ~ ~ ~ ~
Also this town meeting appoints Samuel Clement, Robert Stephens, Isaac Mickle, William Griscom & Jacob Clement With ye 2 Overseers of the poor to get half and Acre of Ground from Ebenezer Hopkins for a burying ground ye use of the poor and likewise to meet at the Town of Haddonfield the Second Day of next Month to go and View the Said land and get half an acre Surveyed off What the parties shall think Best and the manigers do gett a Deed from the Owner of Said Land to the Overseers of the poor and to fence as much of ye Ground as they shall think proper.
Page 35
Also this Town meeting appoints Samuel Clement, Robert Stephens, Isaac Mickle, William Griscom, Jacob Clement with the Two Overseers of ye poor to purches half an acre of land from Elizabeth Estaugh for the Use of the poor of this Township for a Burying Ground likewise to meet at ye town of Haddonfield The second Day of next Month to go and View ye said land and to Gett half an acre Surveyed Where the parties Shall think Best And the Overseers of the poor to Gett a Deed from ye owner of sd Land and that they fence as much as Shall be Needfull for the Use and Service before mention
Att a Town meeting held at Haddonfield in Township of Newton in the County of Gloucester this fifth day of November 1754 by Virtue of a Warrant from Simeon Ellis Esqr. 1754
Att ye Sd meeting ye present Overseers Came and made up their acct with Sd Meeting and there Remains Due to the Overseers Robert Price & Thos. Hinchman L 9-11-?
At this meeting it Was agreed that there Should be raised the Sum of Thirty pounds for the Use of the poor in Manner following Viz. Singlemen 3s0 Shopkeepers Thos. Redman 10s0 Matthias Aspdin 12s0 Gristmills Isaac Kay 12s0 Jacob Albertson 5s0
fulling mill Josiah Harvy 5s0 ferrys Daniel Cooper 10s0 Benja. Cooper 7s6 flats & wood Boats 3s0 the rest to be raised on householders on pound value all householders hose ratable Estate Doth not amount to 2 shilling ___shall be at the Discretion of the Asseser not above 5s0 nor below 2s0 shillings
Page 36
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield for Township of Newton this Eleventh Day of March 1755 the following officers were Chosen for the year Ensuing
Clerk} Jacob Clement
Overseers Thomas Hinchman Collector} Thomas Atmore
Of ye poor Robt. Fd. Price
Freeholders} Ebenezer Hopkins Overseers Archibald Mickle
Isaac Coopers of ye Roads Simon Breach
Surveyors Jos. Ellis Constable} Daniel Cooper
Of ye Roads Jacob Stokes
James Stoan
John Eastlack
Asseser} SamÕl. Clement
Come to the plantation of Amos Archer a Gray horse age 12 years he has a few spot on his forehead 13 ½ hand high
November 4th 1755
Came to the plantation of Joseph Zane a black horse with a blaze in his face 13 ½ high
December 4th 1755
Came to the plantation of Lazarus Pine a Black mare Colt Comes 2 years old eleven hands high
February 4th 1756
Came to ye plantation of Joseph Zane a flee bitten mare 14 years old 13 ½ high
Neither Brand nor Earmark
April 2th 17156
Page 37
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this Ninth Day of March 1756 the following officers were Chosen for the Ensuing year to be presented to this Next Court of Quarter Sessions to held at Gloucester are as followethy
Clerk} Jacob Clement
Overseers Robt. Fd. Price Asseser} SamÕl. Clement
Of ye poor Thos. Hinchman
Collector} James Stoan
Freeholders} Ebenezer Hopkins
Isaac Cooper Overseers Isaac Kay
Of ye Roads John Glover
Surveyers Jos. Ellis
Of ye Roads Jacob Stokes Constable} Simon Breach
Wm. Griscom
Jos. Thackrey
December ye 23: 1756 Came to the plantation of Joseph Ellis a young Bay trotting Mare neigher naturel nor artificial marks two year old last Spring
Came to the plantation of SamÕl Clement 2 white yowes a a cras on the near eare the other a Slit on ye off ear November 28th 1756
Came to the plantation of Jos. Zane a Dun Gray mare Colt one years old no other marks then above Discribed February 4th 1758
Page 38
Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield in the township of Newton in ye county of Gloucester this 31 Day of July 1756 by Virtue of Warrant Granted by Samuel Clement
One of his Majestys Justices &C
Att his meeting it was agreed that there should be raised the sum of twenty five pounds for the Use of the poor to be Raised in manner following, Singlemen 2s6 Shopkeepers Thomas Redman 10S0 Matthias Aspdin 12S0 Grismills Isaac Kays 10S0 Jacob Albertson 5S0 fulling Mills Josiah Harvey 5S0 ferrys Daniel Cooper ___
Benja. Cooper 5S6 flats & wood Boats Benja. Coopers 2S6 --- The rest to be raised on householders on pound Vallue all household hose ratable Estate Doth not amount to 2S6 shall be at the Discretion of ye Asseser not above 4S6 nor under 1S6
Sd meeting order Simon Breach to be paid 5S0 for warning in ye town
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield in the township of Newton this Eight Day of March 1757 the following Officers ware Chosen for the Ensuing year to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester and are as followeth
Clerk} Jacob Clement
Overseers Isaac Mickle Asseser} SamÕl Clement
Of ye Poor Eshriel Linsay for poor & County
Freeholders} Joseph Ellis
Archibald Mickle Collector} Thomas Atmore
Surveyors Isaac Albertson Overseers Isaac Kay
Of ye Roads Thomas Hinchman of ye Roads John Guthings
Robt. Fd. Price
Robert Stephens Constable} Jacob Clement
Page 39
Likewise where chosen at the aforesd. Meeting the following five persons Namesly Samuel Clement, Esqr., Ebenezer Hopkins, Joseph Ellis, Robert Fd. Price & Archibald Mickle as Representatives of the sd. Township in order to assist the Overseers of the poor thereof in Matters relative to their office as well in all other affaires the sd. Township shall or May have occasion ye power to act in a full and ample manner as if the sd. Township ware convened together - did the Same Provided always that not less then three of the aforesd. Five Members in any Bissinence wherein they are required to assist shall be a quorum.
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this 14 Day of March 1758 the following officers ware chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester are as followeth Viz.
Clerk} Jacob Clement Collector} Thomas Atmore
Overseers Jacob Stokes Overseers Samuel Morrel
Of ye poor James Stoan of ye Roads Jos. Kaighin
Freeholders} Isaac Mickle
Jacob Clement Constable} John Gathings
Surveyors Robert Fd. Price
Of ye Roads Thomas Hinchman
Archibald Mickle
Isaac Albertson
Asseser} Samuel Clement
For poor & County tax
It was lilke wise Agreed that Samuel Clement Esq. Robert Fd. Price, Esq. Isaac Mickle, Archibald Mickle and Jacob Clement should Represent this town the Ensuing year
Page 40
Came to the plantation of Samuel Clement a ram with one horn abought the twenty eight Day of September 1758 a crop & 2 half peneys on the off ear on the Near ear a Slit & crop
December 28th 1758 Came to the plantation of Josh. Thackrey in Newton a black yearling bull with Some white spots Comes two years Next Spring with a half peney in the off ear
December 26th 1758 Came to William Griscom in Haddonfield two Calves Comes two years Next Spring the Shire is brindle and the Heifer Red with a Crop on the near ear and a half peney on ye off ears
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this thirteenth Day of March 1759 the following officers ware Chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester are as followeth &.c.
Clerk} Jacob Clement Collector} Thomas Atmore
Overseers George Weed
Of the poor Joseph Kaighin Overseers Thos. Gill
Of the Roads Jacob Burrough
Freeholders} Isaac Mickle
Jacob Clement Constable} William Alexander
Joseph McClain
Surveyors Isaac Cooper
Of the Roads James Sloan
Thos. Hinchman
Isaac Albertson
Asseser} Samuel Clement, Junr.
It was likewise agreed that Samuel Clement Esqr. Isaac Cooper, James Sloan, Robert Fd. Price Esqr. And Isaac Mickle to represent the town the Ensuing year.
Page 41
Came to the plantation of Daniel Eastlack a red Cow With som brindle strecks, abought Eleven or twelve years old November 20th 1759
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township the twenty Eight Day of October 1758 the Sum of 20 pounds was Raised for the Relife of the poor is as follows ---
Servents 1S0 Shopkeepers Thomas Redman 8S0 Mathias Aspdin 10S0 Thos. Champion 2S6 Grismills Isaac Kays 7S6 Jacob Albertson 6S0 fulling Hugh Creighton 5S0 Ferries Daniel Cooper 10S0 Benja. Cooper 10S0 wood Boats or flats 2S6 Single men 1S6 All Householders Whose ratable Estates Dose Not amount to 4S0 shall be rated at the Discretion of ye Asseser not under 1S0 nor above 4S0
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield the 19 Day of Deember 1759 the sum of Twenty pounds was raised for the relief of the poor
Att atown Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this 11 Day of March 1760 the following officers ware Chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Gloucester are followeth &c
Clerk} Jacob Clement Collector} Jacob Clement
Overseers Joseph Coooper Asseser} Samuel Clement
Of the poor John Glover
Overseers Thomas Gill
Freeholders} Isaac Mickle of the Roads Jacob Burrough
John Hopkins
Constable} William Alexander
Surveyors Isaac Cooper
Of the Roads John Hopkins Samuel Clement, Robert Frd. Price,
Isaac Kay Jacob Clement, Issaac Mickle and
John Maxell Isaac Kay appointed to Represent the
Town this year ~ ~ ~ ~
Page 42
Atta town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton this 10th Day of March 1762 the following Officers ware Chosen to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions to held at Gloucester are as follow
Clerk} Jacob Clement Assesor} Samuel Clement
Overseers Jacob Burrough Collector} Jacob Clement
Of the poor John Gathings
Overseers Isaac Cooper
Freeholders} Isaac Mickle of the Roads Richard Thorne
John Hopkins
Constable} William Alexander
Surveyors James Stoan
Of the Roads Joseph Kaighin Also Chosen Samuel Clement, Robt.
John Gill Frd. Price, Jacob Clement, Isaac Mickle,
Isaac Kay and Isaac Kay to assist the overseers of
The poor & Likewise to Rais Money
The Use of the poor of Sd. Township
1760 Came to the plantation of John Hopkins light Brindle Bull 5 years old past wite
Nov. under his belley.
December 26th 1760 Came to the plantation of David Branson some time last Sumer a rede heifer year old past Comes two
December 26th 1760 Came to the plantation of Joseph Kaighin last Spring a horse Colt abought 12 hands high a Dark bay, black main & taile not docked
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1760 December 26th Come to the plantation of Richard Collins last Spring a Year old horse Colt of a Chestnut Roan Comes two years next Spring
Came to the plantation of John Ponds on Coopers Creek in February last a bay horse with one wite foot abought 4 or 5 years old March 1st 1762
Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this Ninth Day of March 1762 the following Officers ware Chosen
Clerk} Jacob Clement Asseser} Samuel Clement Jnr.
Overseers David Branson Collector} Jacob Clement
Of the poor Thos. Champion
Overseers Isaac Cooper
Freeholders} John Gill of the highways William Griscom
Jos. Cooper
Constable} Isaac Mickle
Surveyors John Gill
Of the Highways Issaac Kay
Was Also Chosen at the Sd. Meeting Samuel Clement, Esq., Isaac Mickle, John Gill, Samuel Clement, Junr. And Jacob Clement to Assist the Overseers of the Poor and likewise to rais money if wanted for the Use of Sd. Township
Come to plantation of Sarah Hopkins Some time las Summer a large red Cow she has neither brand nor Ear mark abought four years Old Nov. 27th 1762.
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At a town Meetingheld at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this 8th day of March 1763 The following Officers ware Chosen and are as followes
Jacob Clement} Clerk
Daniel Cooper Overseers
Thomas Commings of ye Poor
David Branson Freeholders
John Gill
David Branson Surveyors
John Gill of ye roads
Samuel Clement Junr.} Asseser
Jacob Clement} Collector
High Creighton Overseers
Joseph Cooper of ye roads
Jacob Stokes} Constable
Was likewise Chosen to represent the town at sd. Meeting Samuel Clement Esq., Isaac Mickle, John Gill, SamÕl Clement Junr., and Jacob Clement
Came to the Plantation of Sarah Hopkins last October a brown steer nither brand nor ear mark Nov. 1st 1763
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Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this 13 Day of March 1764 the following Officers were Chosen to be Presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions are as followes
Jacob Clement} Clark
Overseers John Longdale
Of the Poor John Gill
Freeholders Isaac Mickle
Samuel Clement Junr.
Surveyors Isaac Mickle
Of ye Roads Isaac Kay
Asseser} Samuel Clement Junr.
Collector} Jacob Clement
Overseers Edward Gibbs
Of ye roads Joseph Cooper
Chosen to Represent the town Samuel Clement Esq., Isaac Mickle, David Branson, Samuel Clement Junr and Jacob Clement
Came to the Plantation of Joseph Kaighin a dark Brindle bull 1 years old this spring
February 18th 1765
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Att a town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton This 12 Day of March 1765 the following Officers were Chosen to be Present t the Next Court of Quarter Sessions are as follows
Jacob Clement} Clerk Collector} Jacob Clement
Overseers John Langdale Overseers Thomas Champion
Of ye poor John Gill of ye roads Benja. Thackrey
Freeholders Isaac Mickle Constables} Charles Hubbs
Samuel Clement Junr. Benja Grasbery
Surveyors Isaac Kay
Of ye roads John Burrough
Asseser} Samuel Clement Junr.
Chosen to Represent the town Samuel Clement Esq., Isaac Mickle, David Branson, Samuel Clement Junr. And Jacob Clement
Also Unanimously agreed for takeing theDdvice of James Kinsey Esq. concerning Joseph EllisÕs & Robert Hubbs Bond for Maintaining the road over AtmoreÕs dame & at ye same time Also Unanimously aGreed that one road only is necessary over Newton Creek & they do appoint the overseers of the highways To ask advice & Call the Surveyors of the Roads to Gather to Determine the same and to pay them their costs
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Att a town meeting held at Haddonfield for the township of Newton this 11 Day of March 1766 the following officers were Chosen to be Presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions are as follows
Clerk} Jacob Clement Asseser} Haddon Hopkins
Overseers John Gill Collector} William Evens
Of ye Poor Isaac Kay
Freeholders} David Branson Overseers David Branson
Isaac Mickle of ye roads Benjamin Hartley
Surveyors Thomas Champion DecÕd Constable} Charles Hubbs
Of ye roads Edward Gibbs Joseph Kaighin
Isaac Kay was chose
In his place
Came to the Plantation of Ebenezer Hopkins 3 heifers the 2 years olds wite bringle the 3 year old red bringle with both ye ears croft December 17th 1766
At a Town Meeting Held at Haddonfield for The Township of Newtown this 10th Dayof March 1767. The Following Officers were Chosen to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions -----
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assesor} John Langdale
Overseer John Gill & Collector} William Griscom
Of the Poor Isaac Kay
Freeholders} David Branson Overseers of Ebenezer Hopkins
Isaac Mickle the Roads John Burrough Junr.
Surveyors of Jacob Stoaks Constable} Joseph Kaighne
The Roads Edward Gibbs Isaac Kay
The Following persons are Chosen to Represent the Town viz. David Branson, Isaac Mickle, Jacob Clement, Samuel Clement Esq. and Edw. Gibbs, who with the Overseers of the Poor are appointed to Settle up with the Collector respecting the Dog Tax & Collect the Monies arising from the Road Tax Now In the Hands of the Admdx. Of Thomas Champion DecÕd. & Apply the Same According to Law & It is agreed to raise
L35 Š Poor Tax for the Ensuing Year---
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At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the Eighth Day of march 1768. The following persons were Chosen officers to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions ------
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assesor} Thomas Redman
Overseer John Gill & Collector} William Griscom
Of ye poor Hugh Creighton
Overseers of John Branson
Freeholder} David Branson the roads & Joseph Clement
& Isaac Mickle
Constable} Joseph Kaighin
Surveyors Jacob Stokes & & Isaac Kay are
Of ye Roads Edward Gibbs Nominated
It is agreed to Raise Thirty Pounds for the Use of the Poor
The Collector produced an account of L 4-12 ~ in his hands arising upon the Dog Tax which he is ordered to pay to Joseph Clement one of the Overseers of the Roads---
The Following Persons are Chosen to Represent the Town vizt. David Branson, Isaac Mickle, Jacob Clement, SamÕl Clement, Edward Gibbs, Ebenezer Hopkins who with the overseers of the Poor are appointed to Settle with Jacob Clement Respecting the Dog Tax
November ye 10th 1768 Came to the plantation of Casper Smith about 6 weeks since a brown Cow is forward with Calf & is marked with a Swallow fork & half penny in her off Ear ~
12 mo 27 Caleb Cresson is appointed Overseer of the Roads in the Room of Joseph Clement by the Surveyor of the Roads
Came to the Plantation of Jonathan Knight about the fall Fair a Ram of a middling size with a Crop & Slit in the off Ear
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At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 14th day of march 1769. The following persons were Chosen Officers to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions ~
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assesor} Thomas Redman
Overseers John Gill & Collector} Benjamin Thackery
Of ye Poor Ebenezer Hopkins
Free David Branson Overseers of Jacob Clement &
Holders Isaac Mickle ye Roads John Branson
Surveyors of Jacob Stokes Constable} Isaac Kay
The Roads EdwÕd. Gibbs Joseph Cooper are
It is agreed to Raise L 50 for the Use of the Poor the Ensuing Year.
The Following persons are Chosen to Represent the Town Viz. David Branson, Isaac Mickle, Jacob Clement, Samuel Clement, Edward Gibbs, & Hugh Creighton
Wm. Griscom Collector produced an Acct of Dog Tax 4 Š 5 Š 6
Collected last yearÉ to the amount of
Received of John Branson 4 Š 12 Š
Received of EbenezÕr. Hopkins 2 - 8 Š 3
L 11 - 5 Š 9
Aquilla Jones Certificate of Damage
Sustained by DogsÉÉÉ.is 8 ,,9,,16 ~ Paid & Indorsed 8 ,, 2 ,, 10 ¾
David BransonÉ.. doÉÉ 12 ~ do do 9 ,, 11 ½
Nedpasian Kimble doÉÉ 2 ,,2 do do 1 ,,13 ,, 4
Benjamin Graisberry doÉ... 7,, 6 do do 6 ,, 3 ¼
Jonathan KnightÉÉ.doÉ. 16 do do 13 ,, 3 ¼
Damage Sustained is L13,11,6 of which paid ye Ind. 11,,5,,9
November ye 18th 1769 Came to the plantationof David Branson Early in the Summer two Sheep Marked with a crop in the right Ear & two halfpennys in the left.
At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 13th Day of March 1770. The Following Persons were Chosen Officers to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions.
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assesor} Thomas Redman
Overseers of John Gill & Collector} John Redman
The Poor Ebenezer Hopkins Overseers of Jacob Clement &
Free David Branson The Highways Job Haines
Holders & Isaac Mickle
Surveyors of the Jacob Stokes Constable Joseph Cooper &
Highways & EdwÕd. Gibbs Hugh Creighton are
Page 50
It is agreed to Raise Sixty Pounds for the Use of the Poor for the present year, the same to be assessed agreeable to the New Sinking Fund Act & the Overseers of the Poor to paythereout when Collected, To Jacob Clement such sum as shall by Due to him for Repairing Haddonfield Bridge.
John Gill reported he had paid Eighteen Shillings to the Surveyors of the Highways mett to alter the Road by John Kays Mill & 8/4 ~ more for Expences, which is allowed & ordered to be paid out of the money Collected for the Poor
Benjamin Thackery, Provincial Collector last year, not being present at this Meeting, nor Rendering any Account of the Dog Tax by him Collected; a Settlement of said Tax is deferred ~
David Hurley Produced an Order for Damages done by Dogs to the amount of Twenty three shillings ÉÉ L1,, 3~
& Jacob Ainer for Do Do 18S 18 ~
Which were allowed & orderÕd to be paid
The Following person are Chosen to Represent the Town viz. David Branson, Isaac Mickle, Jacob Clement, Samuel Clement, Edward Gibbs & Hugh Creighton ~
Paid by Nobemer 13th 1770 Came to the Plantation of Richard Collings about four
B. Carter weeks since a Red Heifer, with some white on her Belley, said Heifer hath
No Ear mark ~
At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 12th of March 1771, The following persons were Chosen officers to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assessor} Thomas Redman
Overseeers of William Griscom Collector} John Redman
Ye poor Ebenezer Hopkins Overseers John Gill
Freeholders David Branson of the Aquilla Jones
Isaac Mickle Highways
Surveyors of Jacob Stokes Constable} Isaac Burrough
Ye Highways John Redman John Burrough &
Samuel Murrill are
Page 51
John Redman Collector produced an Acct of L 3,,16 ~ Arising from the dog Tax last year Exclusive of his fees, out of which the Several Certificates of Damage Sustained by Dogs Killing Sheep last year bing Discharged. The Over plus being 11/6 he is ordered to pay to Jacob Clement in full of his accot. Of Repairing the KingÕs Bridge ~
Noted Mem. Con: that Richard Collings shall Discharge the Note of L 1,,10~ given to Thomas Redman & that the money when RecÕd be paid to the County Collector for the Use of the County. ---
It is agreed to Raise the Sum of Fifty Pounds for the Use of the Poor the Ensuing year.---
The following persons are Chosen to Represent the Town to wit David Branson, Isaac Mickle, Jacob Clement, John gill, Isaac Kay, Samuel Clement, Edward Gibbs & Hugh Creighton. ----
3 mo 19th 1771, at a Meeting of the Representatives of the Town it was agreed to Add the Sum of Twenty Pounds to the sum already ordered to be Raised for the use of the Poor, making in the whole Seventy Pound for the Ensuing year. -----
18th 11th mo 1771, Came to the Plantation of Kezia Tonkin some time in the Summer a Heifer Calf, a Red, with some white under its belly, markÕd with a Crop & slit in each Ear. -----
6th 2th mo, 1772. Came to Joseph LippincottÕs about a week since, two Rams, one MarkÕd with a Crop in the Near Ear & a halfpenny in the off Ear, the other with a Crop in each ear & halfpenny in the off Ear. -----
At a Town Meeting Held at Haddonfield the 10th Day of March 1772, for the Township of Newton, the following persons were Chosen Officers, to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions ~ ---
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assesor} Thomas Redman
Overseers John Gill &
Of ye Poor EbenezÕr Hopkins Collector} Hugh Creighton
Freeholders} David Branson
Isaac Mickle Overseers of ye John Middleton
Highways Benja. Thackery
Surveyors David Hurley
Of the Joseph Cooper Constable} John Burrough &
Highways Edward Gibbs are
Nominated -----
Page 52
Benjamin Thackery late Collector produced an Account of Fourteen Shillings, Overplus Money of the Dog Tax in the year 1769. And John Redman Collector last Year, produced An ____ of Six Pounds Nineteen Shillings & Six pence arising from the Dog Tax last year Exclusive of his Fees. Out of which Money the Several Certificates of Damages done by Doggs last year were Discharged, as also an account of Five Shillings, due John Gill for Repairing the Roads last Year & the Overseers being Four Pounds One Shilling is now put into the Hands of John Gill. Elected Overseer of the Poor & to be Applied to their relief as other monies. ~
Ordered that Hugh Creighton Shall be paid an Accot. Of Eight Shillings & Ten pence, by the Overseers of the Poor being for trouble & Expenses in Removing Poor ~
It is agreed to Raisee the Sum of Sixty Pounds, for the Use of the Poor the Ensuing Year~
The following Persons are Chosen to Represent the Town (towit) David Branson, Isaac Mickle, Jacob Clement, Isaac Kay Equr., Samuel Clement, Edward Gibbs & Hugh Creighton
At a Town Meeting Held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 9th Day of March 1773 the following persons were chosen Officers for the ensuing year, to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Place ~
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assesor} Thomas Redman
Overseers of Samuel Webster
Ye Poor Benja: thackery Collector} Samuel Kenard
Freeholders} David Branson Overseers Jacob Clement
John Gill of ye High James Sloan
Surveyors Joseph Cooper Constable} Edward Gibbs
Of ye Highway EbenezÕr. Hopkins David Hurley are
Noted that Charles Hubbs shall be paid Forty Shillings for Keeping a Poor Man, that Died at His House, & the Overseers of the Poor now Chosen, are ordered to pay him out of the monies
Page 53
Monies in their Hands. -----
It is agreed to Raise the Sum of fifty Pounds for the Support of the Poor, the Ensuing Year, and the Assesor is ordered to Asses the Same in the Usual manner, as soon as Can be Conveniently done ~
The Clk is ordered to Purchase a New Book for keeping the Poor Accot. Of Dogg Tax Collected in said Year Exclusive of his Fees to the Amount of Eleven Pounds Ten Shillings & Six pence Out of which a Certificate of Isaac MickleÕs for L 3..5~ Damages and a Certificate of Aquilla JonesÕs for L 1..17..6Damages Done by Doggs last year, being paid, Indorsed & lodgÕd in the ClkÕs Hands, the Overplus money being Six Pounds Eight Shillings, is now paid to Benja. Thackery One of the Overseers of the Poor chosen for the Ensuing Year and to be Applied for the Support of the Poor ~
The Following Persons are Chosen to Represent the Town the ensuing Year (to wit) John Hinchman, Isaac Kay, Samuel Clement Esqr., David Branson, John Gill, Jacob Clement, Isaac Mickle, Edward Gibbs, Hugh Creighton, and Ebenezer Hopkins ~
The Meeting adjourns to meet at the School House in Haddonfield at the Usual time next Year ~
December 29th 1773 Came to the Plantation of Nathan Albertson on the 24 Instant two Strays the one a Brindle Steer the other a pale Red Heifer both markÕd with a Crop in the off ear supposed to Come two Years Old. ~
At a Town Meeting Held at Haddonfield the 8th of March 1774, the following Persons were Chosen Officers for the Ensuing Year, to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. ~
Clk} Thomas Redman Assesor} Thomas Redman
Page 54
Overseer of Benjamin Thackray Collector} Samuel Kenard
The Poor Edward Gibbs
Freeholders} David Branson Overseers of Marmaduke Cooper
John Gill ye Highways Joseph Rowand
Isaac Albertson
Surveyors of Joseph Cooper Nominated Richard Collings
The Highways Ebenezer Hopkins for David Hurley
Poundkeeper} John Gill
Samuel Kenard Provincial Collector last year produced an accot of Dog Tax Collected last year Exclusive of his Fees Amounting to L 8..18..3, out of which the Several Certificates of Damages done by Dogs last Year amounting to L 7 ~ being paid, the overplus being L 1..18..3 is now paid to EdwÕd Gibbs one of the Overseers of the Poor now Chosen ~
Edward Gibbs Constable of Newton producÕd An Account of 22/6 for removing several Paupers, which is allowÕd and ordered to be paid out of the Poor Money in Stock ~
William Ellis produced An Account of Nine shillings for Work done at Haddonfield Bridge, which the Overseers of the Poor are ordered to pay him. ~
It is agreed to Raise the Sum of Fifty Pounds for the Use of the Poor the ensuing year ~
The following Persons are Chosen to Represent the Town the ensuing Year to wit John Hinchman, Isaac Kay, Samuel Clement Esqr., David Branson, John Gill, Jacob Clement, Isaac Mickle, High Creighton, Ebenezer Hopkins & Thomas Redman ~
The Meeting Adjourns to meet at the Meeting House in Haddonfield at two oClock in the Afternoon on the Usual Day next year ~
At a Meeting of the Representatives of the Town Meets at High CreightonÕs the 6th Day of the 8th Month 1774, it was agreed that the Sum of Ten Pounds should be added to the Sum ordered to be Raised for the Use of the Poor in the Ensuing Year ~
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3 mo 11th 1774 Came to the pasture of William Griscom & found this Day a young Red Cow, the Tip end of her Horns are Cut off & has a rope about her Horns ~
At a Town Meeting Held at Haddonfield the 14th of 3rd Month March 1775 the following persons were Chosen Officers for the ensjuing Year, to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace.
Clerk} Thomas Redman Asseser} Joseph Cooper
Overseers Benja. Thackery Collector} Benja: Thackery
Of the Edward Gibbs
Poor Overseers of Joseph Lippincott
Ye Highways Jacob Albertson
Freeholders} David Branson Samuel Cooper
John Gill
Nominated Richard Collings
Surveyors of David Hurley for Constable Samuel Webster
The High Ebenezer Hopkins Isaac Albertson
Noted by a Majority of two, that the Law Respecting the Impounding Swin in Haddonfield, shall be discontinued.
It is agreed to Raise the Sum of Fifty Pounds, for the Use of the Poor, the Ensuing Year.
Ordered that a Bedd sold to William Bell, shall be lent to him, for his Use, he Accounting to the Town for the same ~ when CallÕd upon, and ordered that the Overseers of the Poor do pay Samuel Webster the Sum of One Pound five Shilling & Six pence, it being the Sum Unpaid for said Bedd, & was Accounted for by the said Webster in the Sittlement of his accoÕt. in the poor Book ~
The following persons are Chosen to Represent the Town the Ensuing Year to wit
Isaac Kay Isaac Mickle David Branson
Samuel Clement Hugh Creighton David Hurley
John Gill Ebenezer Hopkins Joseph Cooper
Thomas Redman
The Meeting adjourns to meet at the Meeting House in Haddonfield, at 2 oClock in the Afternoon, on the Usual Day Next Year ~
11 mo 16th 1775 Came to the Plantation of Jeremiah Jones about the 1st of August a Ewe markÕd with a Crop in the off ear, a Hold in the Near Ear & a nick on the upper side ~
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11 mo 25th Come to the House of Andrew Carson about two months Since a Black Heifer One Year Old pst, & markÕd with a Crop & fork in her off Ear.
12 mo 4 Came to the Plantation of Isaac Burrough some time June last a Bull with white Bask & black sides, Yearling past & markÕd with two Slits in his off Ear ~
13 Came to the Plantation of Joseph Cooper the latter end of November a Bull two years old past, Bringle & white no Ear mark & hath lost the Switch of his tail
1 mo 1 Come to the Plantation of Joseph Micle sometime in July a Ewe & two lambs markÕd with a Crop in the off Ear also in December a Ewe markÕd with a Crop in the near ear a halfpenny in the off
2 Come to the House of Joseph Garwood about two months Since a Red & white Bull Comes two year old markÕd with a Swallow fork in the Near Ear & a Crop in the off Ear ~
At a Town Meeting Held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the12th Day of the 3rd Month 1776, the following persons ware Chose Officers for the ensuing Year, to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace.
Clerk} Thomas Redman Assesor} Joseph Cooper
Overseers Edward Gibbs Collector} Samuel Kenard
Of ye Poor John Est. Hopkins
Overseers of Jacob Clement
Free-Hol David Branson ye High James Sloan
ders John Gill ways
Surveyors David Hurley
Of ye High EbenezÕr. Hopkins
It is agreed to Raise the Sum of Fifty Pounds for the Use of the Poor the Ensuing Year ~
The Overseers of the Poor are ordered to pay Isaac Sharp the sum of Twenty Shillings being An allowance made to him for extraordinary trouble in keeping Ann Norton during her last Sickness ~
The following persons are Chosen to Represent the Town the ensuing Year Viz. Isaac Kay, Samuel Clement, John Gill, Benja. Thackery, High Creighton, Ebenezer Hopkins, David Branson, David Hurley, Joseph Cooper, & Thomas Redman.
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The Meeting Adjourns to meet at the Meeting House in Haddonfield at 2 oClock in the afternoon on the Usual Day Next Year ~
? 9th Came to the Plantation of Doctor Benjamin Vanleer in August last, a Ewe & tan Ram Lambs, marked with a Crop in the off Ear, & a piece taken off on the upper side of the near ear.
? 7 Came to the Plantation of John Bispham the 1st Instant a Horse Colt coming one year old, a sorrel with a white Snip in his face.
? 20 Came to the Plantation of Joshua Evens about the 1st Instant a Brown Ox or Steer with Curled Hair, MarkÕd with a Crop in the Near Ear & a piect cout out of the off Ear.
? 11 Came to the Plantation of David Hurley about the 25th of last month a Grey Roan Mare, a Natural Trotter comes 3 or 4 years Old, has a small Blaze in her face, her near hind foot white half way up to the Gambril Joint & her off fore foot white above the footlak.
At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 11th Day of the 3rd Month 1777 the following persons were Chosen officers for the Ensuing year to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace ~
Cerk} Joseph Lippincott Assesor} Joseph Cooper
Overseer John Est. Hopkins Collector} Thomas Githens
Of ye Poor Jacob Clement
Overseers Jacob Stokes
Freehold John Gill of the high John Middleton
Ers John Est. Hopkins ` ways
Surveyors David Hurley Commissioners Marmaduke Cooper
Of the Ebenezer Hopkins of Appeals David Hurley &
Highways James Sloan
Constable} Nathan Albertson
It is agreed to Raise the Sum of Eighty Pounds, for the use of the Poor the Ensuing Year
John Gill Remported that he had done some work on the Highway for which he Requested to be allowed the Sum of 3/0 which the Town agreed to pay and Orders the Overseers to pay the Same ~
The following persons are Chosen to Represent the Town the ensuing year viz. Isaac Kay, Samuel Clement, John Gill, High Creighton, Ebenezer Hopkins, David Hurley and Joseph Cooper
Page 58
The Meeting Adjourns to meet at the Meeting House in Haddonfield at 2 oClock in the Afternoon on the Usual day next Year ~
12th mo 16th Came to the Plantation of Nathan Albertson about a Month ago Two Heifers and a Steer one Heifer is Brindle with a white Back and white face the other Heifer is Red with White Spots about her, the Steer is the same colour of the last mentioned Heifer, and something Smaller then either of said and all of them is of one mark which is a halfpenny in the underside of the Near Ear and the end of the off Ear cut off.
At a meeting of the Representatives of the Township of Newton met at Haddonfield the 30th of the 8th month 1777 present John Gill, Isaac Kay, Samuel Clement, High Creighton and Ebenezer Hopkins. The Overseers Attending informed the Meeting that a Certain poor Child be destitute of a place by the decease of the person where it had been placed for some time past, and a Suitable place for Binding it out offering& being mentioned to said Representatives and by them being duly Considered it was Unaanimously agreed that the Said Overseers Shall and may Act in the Premises in Such manner as they shall Judge Equitable and Reasonable in the present Case.
At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 10th day of the 3d Month 1776 the following Persons were chosen Officers for the ensueing Year to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace.
Clk} Joseph Lippincott Assesor} James Sloan
Overseers of Jacob Clement Collector} Joseph Hinchman
The poor & Thomas Githens
Overseers of Jacob Stokes
Free John Gill the Highways & Samuel Brown
Holders & Jacob Stokes
Commissioners Marmaduke Cooper
Surveyors Ebenezer Hopkins of appeal Joseph Kaighn &
Of the & Benjamin Thackery Edward Gibbs
Constable} Isaac Albertson
Samuel Kenard &
John Middleton
Page 59
It is agred to raise the Sum of L140 for the Use of the Poor the ensuing Year ~
The following Persons are Chosen to Represent the Town the ensuing year Viz. Isaac Kay, John Gill, Samuel Clement, Hugh Creighton, Ebenezer Hopkins, James Sloan, Edward Gibbs and Thomas Redman
The Meeting adjoins to meet at the Meeting House in Haddonfield at 2 oClock in the Afternoon on the Usual Day next year ~
11th mo 7th Came to the Plantation where John Bispham now Lives on Newton Creed yesterday Morning a Black Mare about Three or four years Old about fourteen Hand high Shod before no Marks neigher Natural nor Artificial.
11th month 23d Was left with Edward Jones Sheep when the British Army went away from Haddonfield one Ewe with a Slit in each ear no other Marks Natural nor Artificial ~
2d mo 11th At a Meeting of the Representatives for the Township of Newton met at Haddonfield the 11th of the 2d Month 1779 present Isaac Kay, Thomas Redman, Edward Gibbs, Ebenezer Hopkins and James Sloan the Overseers of the poor being present informed the Representatives that they had advanced a Considerable Sum for the Use of the Poor and that the Sum ordered to be Raised at Last Meeting would be insufficient to defray the expense of the present year, on Cnsidering of which we do adjudge it will be necessary to raise the Sum of L400 instead of the Sum before directed, and the assessor is hereby Required to assess the Said Sum of L400 and it appearing that the Tavern Taxes are in arrears for 1777 and 1778 The Assessor is also Required to Asses them as soon as can be Conveniently done.~
Page 60
At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 9th day of the 3d Month 1779 the following Persons were Chosen Officers for the Ensuing Year to be presented to the Next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace ~
Clerk} Joseph Lippincott Collector} John Stokes
Free Jacob Stokes Overseers BenjÕn. Graisbury
Holders Joseph Cooper of the Joseph Mickle &
Highway George Henhole
Surveyors Isaac Kay Commissioners James Sloan
Of the James Sloan on Appeals BenjÕn. Thackery
Highways Samuel Cooper
Assesor} Joseph Cooper Constable Isaac Albertson
Nominated Samuel Brown
Overseer Thomas Githens Isaac Burrough
Of the & BenjÕn. Vanleer &
Poor Aquilla Jones John Middleton
It is agreed to raise the Sum of L400 for the Use of the Poor the ensuing Year ~
William Griscom produced an accompt for Removing Rebeckah Boggs from Haddonfield to Jacob Burroughs of 7/6 which was allowed by said Meeting ~
John Gill acquainted the Meeting that he had found some Loggs for Repairing the Road at the Mill Hill and desired to be allowed 22/6 for the same to which the Meeting agreed~
Benjamin Thackery Informed the Meeting that he was Opprest by a Certain poor Child and Requested an Allowance for the same. Therefore the Meeting agrees to allow him 20L to Releive him in the Matter and the Overseers of the Poor is ordered to pay him said sum.~
The Following Persons are Chosen to Represent the Town the ensueing Year Vizt. Isaac Kay Esq., John Gill, James Sloan, Ebenezer Hopkins, Edward Gibbs, Thomas Redman and John Est. Hopkins.
Page 61
Then the Meeting adjourns to meet at the Meeting House at Newton at 2 oClock in the afternoon on the Usual day next year.~
Came to the Plantation of BenjÕn. Bates Some time in November last a Small dark Brown Horse with a Hole through one of his Ears No other marks his age unknown.~
Came to the Plantation of Nathan Albertson some time last fall a 2 year old Bull with Black sides and white Back and Belly his years prestty much Torn (Supposed to be by Doggs) no other Marks Natural nor artificial ~
At a Meeting of the Representatives for the Township of Newson met at Haddonfield the 22nd day of the 7th month 1779 Present Isaac Kay, John Gill, John Est. Hopkins, Edward Gibbs and Ebenezer Hopkins one of the Overseers of the Poor attended and Informed the Representatives that they had advanced some money for the use of the Poor and that there is a Considerable Sum more wanted for the Maintenance of the Said Poor for this present year on considering of which we do adjudge it will be necessary to raise the Sum of L400 more exclusive of the L400 agreed to be Raised at last Town Meeting making in the whole L800 and the assessor of said Township is hereby Required to assess the said Sum of L800 Immediately and the Clerk is ordered to give the Said Assessor a Copy of this Minute.
Came to the Plantation where John Bispham now lives about 6 Weeks ago a heifer Calf Supposed to be about nine Months old Chiefly White Except Black Ears with Some Black Spots on its Sides marked with a Crop and two Slits in the near Year.
12 mo 11th Came to the place Benjamin Bates about 3 weeks ago a Red Steer with some white spots about the Shoulder Supposed to be about 2 years old no Ear Marks.
2nd mo 16th Came to the Plantation where Edward Jones now lives about 3 Month ago a Stray Ram with a Crop in the near Ear and a Small Slit in the upper and under side of the off Ear.
Page 62
At a Town Meeting held at Newton for the Township of Newton the 14th Day of the 3re Month 1780, the following persons were Chosen Officers for the Ensuing Year to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Session of the Peace ~
Clerk} Joseph Lippincott Collector} Joseph Hinchman
Free Isaac Mickle Overseers Marmaduke Cooper
Holders & John Litle of the Edward Gibbs
Roads John Bispham
Of the John Middleton Commissioner John Middleton
Highways Benjamin Thackery On Appeals James Sloan &
Samuel Cooper
Assesor} Joseph Cooper
Constable} Benjamin Vanleer
Overseers Joseph Kaighn
Of the Poor Isaac Burroughs
It is agreed to raise the Sum of 4000L for the use of the Poor the Ensueing year ~
The following Persons were Chosen to Represent the Town the Ensueing year: Isaac Kay Esqr., John Gill, James Sloan, Edward Gibbs, Thomas Redman, John Est. Hopkins and Joseph Cooper.
Then the Meeting Adjourned to meet at the Meeting House in Haddonfield at 10 oClock in the forenoon on the Usual day next year.
At a Meeting of the Representatives at Haddonfield the 27th Day of the 3rd mo. 1780 presents Isaac Kay, Esq., John Gill, John Est. Hopkins, Edward Gibbs and James Sloan, Thomas Githens Late overseer of the poor attended the sd Meeting and in formed the Representatives that there was due for several persons the several Sums hereafter Mentioned for keeping the poor of said Town, to wit To Rebekah Githens the sum of
L342..4 To Hugh Jones L207..1..3 and to Edward Holsey L170..16..6 making in the whole L720..1..3 which ____ Sum the present Overseers are ordered to pay to the said
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Persons as Soon as the same is by them Collected and the Clerk is ordered to give the several persons and accounts of the S___________ to them and Sign the same on Behalf of the Town and their Receipt shall be Sufficient Voucher to Clear said Overseers in making up their Accounts with the Town Š Whereas Thomas Githens late overseer of the Poor borrowed of Joseph Cooper L262..10 in Contenantal Money on behalf of the Town for the Support of the poor (the Duplicate not being Ready and agreed to pay the Same when he got the Duplicate and Collected a Sufficient sum for that purpose and Charged the Town With the same on Considering of which the Representatives though best not to encourage such a practice and so said overseers did not pay Said Sum according to Contract they cant allow it in his account but order one of the present overseers to pay the L262..10 of like money aforesaid to said Githens with L6 for four Months Interest and leave it with said Githens to Settle the Matter with said Cooper as they can agree.
George Henhole produced an Account of L68..5 for 58 fencepoles and a pound of Tallow for the use of the Town which accounts the Representatives agreed to allow and Thomas Githens the late overseer is ordered to pay the same out of the Monies Remaining in his hands. ~
John Middleton also produced an Account of sundry Expenses for Removing Elizabeth Hawkin to the forms of Egharbour and required an allowance for his trouble and finding a Waggon and Horses, the Representatives in Considering the Matter agreed to allow him L50 including his Expence whilst performing the same. ----
Nathaniel Clement attended and informed the Representatives that there was 2 years Rent die to him for a Certain House and lot of Ground in which Robert Armstrong now lives and Requested L15 for the first year and L100 for the 2nd year which was agreed to be allowed and the present Overseers of the poor is Ordered to pay the same out of the poor Monies as Soon as they my Collect the same and agrees to allow him (and he agrees to take) the sum of three pound in hard Cash or the Value thereof in Continental Money agreeable to the Exchange for the ensuing
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Year. -----
James Coulter was present and agreed to pay Nine Pounds for Last year Rent of a House in which he now lives and agrees to pay Thr___ pounds in Hard Cash or the Value thereof agreeable to the Exchange for Ensuing year. ------
Robert Armstrong attended and Requested that the Town might ___ him in purchasing a Quantity of hemp in Order to work up and agree to repay the Town when he has made use of it to which the Representatives agreed and Order the Overseers of the Poor to pay to the Hands of Joseph Lippincott as much Money as will purchase 500 lb of Hemp which is to be Delivered to Robert as fast as he produces Cash for the same.
11th mo 19 Came to the Plantation Occupied by Gidion Burrough Five Ewes marked with a piece taken out of the under side of each ear one has a large Black Spot on her but no other marks natural or artificial.
At a Meeting of the Representatives at Haddonfield this 20th day of the 12 mo 1780 present John Gill, John Est. Hopkins, James Sloan, Thomas Redman, Edward Gibbs and Joseph Cooper, Joseph Kaighn one of the overseers of the poor attended sd. Meeting and Informed the Representatives that the money late agreed to be Raised was not Sufficient to Support the poor untill the next Town Meeting and the same being taken into Consideration it was greed to raise the sum of L300 Immediatelyl and the assesser is ordered to assess the same as soon as he Conveniently Can.
12 mo 29 Came to the place where James Beetle now lives about ten days ago a Sorrel horse Colt comes 2 years old next Spring his hind legs is white up to the gambril Joints and a blaise in his face a Natural Trotter.
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At a Town Meeting held at Haddonfield for the Township of Newton the 13th Day of the 3rd mo 1781 The following Persons were Chosen Officers for the Ensueing year to be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held at Gloucester viz.
Clerk} Joseph Lippincott Overseers of Edward Gibbs
The Poor BenjÕn. Graisberry
Freehold- Isaac Mickle Overseers of Isaac Albertson
Ers John Middleton the Roads Joseph Mickle
Samuel Brown
Surveyors EbenezÕr. Hopkins Commissioners Samuel Cooper
Of the BenjÕn. Thackery on Appeals James Sloan
Highways Samuel Eastlack
Assessor} Joseph Cooper Nominated for Isaac Burroughs
Constable William Cooper
Collector} Joseph Harden
The following Persons were Chosen to Represent the Town the ensuing Year Samuel Kenard Esqr., John Gill, James Sloan, EdwÕd. Gibbs, Thomas Redman, John Est. Hopkins, and Joseph Cooper.
The Town Agrees to raise the Sum of L100 Current Mondy for the Use of the Poor the ensueing year.
George Henhole late Constable attended this Meeting and Requested an Allowance of moveing a woman from this Town to Constable in the next township for which the town agreed to allow him 100 Dollars . --------
Robert Armstrong appeared and requested the Town to lend him a sum of money in order to purchase a Quantity of Hemp which is agreed to be left at the Discretion of the Overseers of the Poor.
Samuel Eastlack attended and produced an Account for timber which John Bispham one of the Overseers of the Roads had of him for Building a Bridge on Newton Creek to the value of 45/ in hand Cash which The town agrees to allow and the Overseers of the Poor are requested to pay the same.
Edward Gibbs also produced an Account for Timber purchased for the Use of the Highways which was also allowed by the Town.
Then the Meeting adjournÕd until the Usual day next year at the Meeting House at Newton at 2 oClock in the afternoon of said Day,
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12th mo 13th Came to the Plantation of Benjamin ?_________ five Weeks ago a middleing sized Redish Heifer supposed to be about 3 years old marked with a Crop and a half penny in the off ear and a star in her forehead.
1782 At a Meeting of the Representatives held at Haddonfield the 3rd day of the first Month 1782 present John Gill, John Est. Hopkins, Thomas Redman and Samuel Kenard; Edward Gibbs one of the Overseers of the Poor Represented that it will be necessary to raise a sum of Money for the use of the Poor as an Estimation being made of Sundry expenses that will be dur in a Short Time for Board, Clothing &c; and also for the Repairs of the Bridge; It appearÕd to be necessary to raise the Sum of Sixty Pounds and the Assessor is directed to assess the same as he can Conveniently in the Usual manner. ~
1st mo 17th Came to the Plantation Occupied by Jonathan Knight Some time ago a Ram with a Crop in the near ear and a half crop in the off ear.
2nd mo 15 Came to the Plantation Occupied by John Blumb Some time ago a Ram marked with a Crop in the Near Ear and a slit and halfpenny in the off ear.
At a Town Meeting held at Newton the 12th Day of the ______ 1782 for the Township of Newton, the following persons were Chosen Officers for the ensueing year, To be presented to the next Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held at Cloucester
Clerk} Joseph Lippincott Assessor} James Sloan
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